
Motorhome Hire Scheme

Your details

Your details
Terms and conditions *
The protection of personal privacy is an important concern to The Camping and Caravanning Club. Any personal data collected will be treated in accordance with current data protection legislation.

We will use your personal data to respond to your query or to provide you with the information you have requested. We do not share personal data relating to enquiries with third parties.

For more information about our data protection policy please go to our privacy policy.

Terms and Conditions
I agree and understand that one Privilege Pack will be provided per unit available for hire. Subsequent replacements due to theft or loss may be chargeable at £5 per pack. Packs remain the property of the Camping and Caravanning Club and we reserve the right to revoke the scheme from use at our discretion.
You must have a website with a working domain that features our Club logo linking back to the page provided. Failure to do so may result in you being removed from the scheme.